Experian®, the global information solutions company, has signed anagreement to acquire Krediidiinfo A/S in Estonia from its management.Krediidiinfo is the primary consumer and commercial credit information groupin Estonia and will complement Experian’s existing global network of consumerand commercial credit bureaux.

Krediidiinfo, which will be known as Krediidiinfo A/S, an Experiancompany, currently employs 30 people in Tallinn and Tartu. As well asoperating business and consumer credit bureaux, Tallinn also offers creditmanagement and B2B marketing services. Krediidiinfo’s clients include most ofthe country’s leading financial services providers, utilities,telecommunications and retail companies, as well as many Nordic banks withoperations in Estonia.

Announcing the acquisition, Richard Fiddis, Managing Director, UK,Ireland & Northern Europe, Experian, said: “Experian is already wellestablished in the Nordic region, where we provide major banks and otherorganisations with decision support solutions, market and economic analytics,fraud prevention and consumer and commercial credit information services. Ourclients in the region have benefited from Experian’s expertise in applicationprocessing, fraud prevention and customer management solutions, and bycombining these with the products, local knowledge and reputation ofKrediidiinfo, we can offer our clients in Estonia the broadest range ofsolutions.

“The acquisition will further benefit financial institutions and telecomscompanies in the region, many of whom are already our clients elsewhere inthe Nordic region, as well as of Krediidiinfo, by offering them a region-wideinfrastructure. This enables them to apply consistent strategies andtechnologies wherever they operate in the region.

“It also reinforces Experian’s position as a leading European provider ofcustomer management and information solutions. Krediidiinfo has a strongmarket position, proven management and a consistent growth record. We believethis acquisition will bring considerable benefits to clients of both Experianand Krediidiinfo in the Nordic region.

“Estonia is one of the fastest growing economies in the EU and, togetherwith the other Baltic states, has significant growth potential driven both bytheir recent accession to the EU and a young, well-educated workforce that isenthusiastically embracing the benefits and lifestyles enjoyed by thepopulations of many of their European partners.”

Veiko Meos, Managing Director of Krediidiinfo, added: “We believe that wehave found the ideal new owner in Experian. Both companies have a similar,client-centred ethos, Experian has a thorough understanding of the businessand Krediidiinfo people will benefit by being part of the Experianorganisation.”

The acquisition of Krediidiinfo is consistent with Experian’s globalstrategy of acquiring complementary businesses that provide new products, newdata or entry into new vertical or regional markets, while leveraging thecore assets of Experian.

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