And then sometimes the universe says “Ha!”.

On the heels of yesterday?s story regarding the proposed ban on credit freezes for victims of identity theft comes this delicious morsel about Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and his own brush with identity theft.

Seems the Nevada Democrat found out that someone had lifted his credit card number and used to make about $2,000 in purchases from Wal-Mart and other stores in Monroe, N.C. Clearly, either the identity thief suffers from low self-esteem and figures he doesn?t deserve better than Wal-Mart or the state of retail in Monroe has reached some sort of critical level.

That?s not really the point, though.

Reid is steamed that the perpetrator will likely never be caught: “Something has to be done,” he told CNN, holding up his now-deactivated card. The senator said he does not know how someone obtained the number or whether he has been the victim of a broader identity theft — a problem that affects millions of Americans every year.

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