For the better part of 2010, the Kaulkin Media team has been working behind the scenes to transform with an enhanced user interface and a more modern design.  Our motivation was pretty straightforward: if is the premier news and information source for credit and collection professionals, it should function like a dependable tool and still look like a million bucks.

Here’s the change represented by hammers:

<<< From this, to this >>>

But seriously, as a part of our mission to shift the public conversation about the ARM industry, we’ve re-engineered

  • To help us to bring you new content formats (narrative infographics, video, etc.) at new frequency (no longer just once daily!),
  • To highlight a chorus of unique, expert voices within and surrounding the ARM industry,
  • To provide improved methods to engage on important topics with your peers,
  • To develop original features and in-depth  subject matter that no other collection industry publication can touch,
  • And to deliver the most credible and insightful news coverage of your industry throughout the business day.

Our team has devoted time and assets, spent elbow grease and brain power, tested new ideas and (sometimes) each others’ patience on the way to re-launching  To be sure those resources represent investments in our business and our mission, but above all they are sincere investments in you, our readers.

Welcome to the new

Now for the technical stuff.

You can log in using the same email and password from the old Simply click on the “Please log in” link at the top right of any page to log in. If you can’t remember your password, there is a password retrieval tool on the log in page.

Once you’ve logged in, please visit your profile page. You can access it by clicking on your name at the top right of any page, or by clicking on My Profile on the dark blue navigation bar near the top of the site.

We encourage everyone to participate on through the posing of comments and the use of the discussion forums. But we are now requiring everyone to be registered and logged in before posting anything on the site. As such, there will be a name associated with every comment or discussion board posting. No more posting under the “anonymous” moniker. But you can select what name you want to show up when you post on the site.

In your profile, you’ll see a Display Name field under your first and last name. Right now, it’s defaulted to your full name, unless you participated in the old forums. If that is the case, your old user name will be your default. If you’d like to change the name that will display on the site, Display Name is the place to do it.

But that’s really the only new thing on the site. Everything else is the same as the old site…it just looks and works much better.

Take a look around and tell us what you think. If you run into any trouble, please visit the Contact Us page to ask for help

Next Article: Mortgage Servicers Under the Congressional Microscope
