by Mike Bevel,

The L.A. Times article covering a new twist on identity theft ? namely, medical record theft ? has a bizarre beginning. A woman is contacted by bill collectors for a foot amputation after spending time in the hospital for shoulder surgery.

She still has all her toes. On both feet.

According to the article, a 2003 federal report estimated that at least 200,000 instances involved medical identity fraud. Some experts see a vicious cycle: rising health care costs are driving the increase in medical record theft; increased medical record theft is contributing to the growing increase in the cost of heath care.

The effect of medical records theft is on more than just pocket books, however; victims of this kind of fraud face a greater risk of injury or even death if doctors make treatment decisions based on bad information. Files might list incorrect prescriptions or the wrong blood type.

The Times article is exhaustive and comprehensive. You can read it at ID Theft Infects Medical Records.

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