Costa Mesa, Calif. — Experian®, a global information services company, today announced the availability of a Market Insight Snapshot report that analyzes identity fraud occurrence rates across credit score ranges. The study illustrates a clear connection between consumers’ high credit scores and the propensity for identity fraud victimization, posits a possible cause for the connection and offers suggestions for combating the problem of identity fraud.

“Experian’s findings should herald a warning for consumers and businesses alike,” said Hiq Lee, senior vice president and general manager of Experian’s Fraud and Identity Solutions group. “Identity fraud can damage an individual’s finances as well as a company’s bottom line and reputation with consumers. Experian is uniquely positioned to not only alert consumers and credit issuers to findings such as these, but also to offer products and services to help them combat the problem.”

To receive a copy of the Experian Market Insight Snapshot, please contact Danica Ross, Experian Public Relations, at or 1 714 830 5462.

For information about other Market Insights from Experian, visit




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