Well, well, well. If it isn?t our old friend Wal-Mart, back in the news again. What?s that crazy, superstore behemoth up to these days?

According to CNHI News Service, they?re wreaking some significant financial damage against District Attorney Rob Hudson’s offices in both Payne and Logan county, Oklahoma.

Hudson?s office had been the vendor of choice in pursuing Wal-Mart?s bad checks. “Twenty-four percent of our bogus check business was Wal-Mart,” Hudson said. “It had been our biggest merchant.” But, as per usual, Wal-Mart decided to eschew acting locally and giving back to the community for it?s own bottom line:

“We wanted to standardize our bad check collection process with one vendor nationwide,” Sharon Weber, Wal-Mart spokesman, said, “so that we would have better control of the process and so our customers would be treated consistently across the country.”

The loss of Wal-Mart income leaves DA offices with two choices: furlough people who help prosecute cases or find new ways to make money. Hudson and Lane are among district attorneys who have chosen the latter.

You can read more about this story at Prosecutors tallying losses after Wal-Mart check policy change.

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