Weybridge, UK – Specialist payment processor, PayOffline has provided Clarity Credit Management Solutions (Clarity) with a new payment solution.

The solution enables Clarity to print a barcode on their collections letters which can then be taken to any Post Office or PayZone outlet and scanned, the debtor then makes a payment against the account which is then reported back to Clarity by PayOffline together with a transfer of funds.

Chief Executive of Clarity, Garry Stran said “We are constantly looking at ways to improve our processes which provide real, tangible business benefits to ourselves as an organisation and to our clients as a whole. We believe offering this new payment method goes some way to achieving this aspiration.”

Most DCA’s are familiar with sending out pre-printed bank giro slips which are costly to produce, send and administer, some DCA’s now utilise a plastic card with a magnetic strip which is also relatively costly to produce. The PayOffline barcode can be printed onto a standard collections letter or the barcode reference number can even be texted to the end user via SMS, either method can then be used in any Post Office or PayZone outlet to make a payment.

PayOffline Managing Director, Steve Berry commented “The flexibility of this service together with obvious cost savings is really fundamental to the high adoption rates we are seeing.” As part of the Freds.com Group, PayOffline has seen other DCA’s benefit from the barcode payment method and has even enabled some to offer payment refunds by barcode as opposed to raising cheques.

Berry continued “Quite simply, our clients send the recipient of the refund a barcode, which they then take to any Post Office and receive their money in cash. This works particularly well for those who do not have access to banking facilities as the other option is to make use of a cheque cashing company who obviously charge for their service. Whether the debtor is paying our clients by barcode or receiving a payment from our clients by barcode the service is completely free for the end user.”

Group Marketing Director, Jan-Michael Lacey commented “We are delighted a DCA with the pedigree of Clarity has chosen to utilise this service from PayOffline, I am sure they will experience a competitive advantage from this payment method.”

About PayOffline
PayOffline is part of the Freds.com Group of companies and offers intelligent payment processing solutions to more than 650 commercial clients.

Additional information regarding PayOffline can be found at: www.payoffline.com


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