Dennis Hammond is proud to announce his association with Global Debt Registry, and will serve as their President.

“More than ten years ago, along with others, we felt there was a need for a trade association to help build a foundation of ethical standards for the debt buying industry.  That association, formerly known as Debt Buyer’s Association, and now DBA International, has grown to a fully functional, healthy organization.  At this point in time, I will be turning my attention to additional areas of critical concern for our industry, one of which is the development of a debt registry that will track chain of title at the account level,” Hammond says.

Global Debt Registry is a cutting-edge registration system designed to maintain and establish accurate ownership of delinquent receivable accounts.  Not only can the registry identify the true owner of an account, but it can also validate account level attributes, such as charge-off date and balance, to provide a clear title at the account level for a debt portfolio.

“We’re proud to have contributed to the growth of the DBA International organization and its well-respected position in our industry. With a solid bank account, strong legislative program, over 650 members, knowledgeable board of directors and a fine-tuned conference program, DBA International is well-positioned for the future,” according to Dennis Hammond.

 Judy Hammond also expressed support of the DBA, “We have every confidence in the extremely knowledgeable board of directors of this association, and know that with their insight and strong leadership, this organization will continue to be an important asset to the industry.  Although we will no longer be active in the day-to-day operations of DBA International, we will always be proud to have been a part of the organization, and expect to be active volunteers, lending our expertise, knowledge and assistance as we can, time permitting.  The Global Debt Registry (GDR) concept is extremely important for the industry, validating debt ownership and providing secure transfer of data.  As our industry matures and continues to be challenged, by regulatory, legislative and legal issues, buyers and sellers of registered debt can be assured of their debt ownership position with GDR. 

The Debt Marketplace, Inc. will continue to manage the day-to-day operations of the association through June 30.  Operations are expected to be fully transitioned to a replacement management firm by August 1, 2007.

Next Article: Wal-Mart Withdraws Banking Application
