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 [Image by creator James Steidl from AdobeStock]

CFPB Issues Report on Credit Report Disputes

10 November 2021

Microphone sitting on table [Image by creator olegkruglyak3 from AdobeStock]

CFPB Names New Chiefs for Supervision and Enforcement Positions

8 November 2021

 [Image by creator kentoh from AdobeStock]

CBA Issues White Paper Advocating CFPB’s Use Of Rulemaking And Guidance In Lieu Of “Regulation By Enforcement”

3 November 2021

A binder that says "Guidelines" on the spine sitting on a desk with a pen, calculator, and open binder [Image by creator DOC RABE Media from AdobeStock]

CFPB Releases Additional Reg F Guidance

1 November 2021

 [Image by creator Chris Titze Imaging from AdobeStock]

11th Circuit Issues Substitute Opinion in Hunstein; Will Dissent provide Key for Defense Against Copycats?

29 October 2021

Rohit Chopra [Image by creator  from ]

New CFPB Dir. Rohit Chopra Provides Candid and In-Depth Testimony to Congress

28 October 2021

 [Image by creator alexlmx from AdobeStock]

CFPB Orders Six Large Technology Platforms Offering Payment Services to Provide Information

26 October 2021

A binder that says "Guidelines" on the spine sitting on a desk with a pen, calculator, and open binder [Image by creator DOC RABE Media from AdobeStock]

CFPB Releases Spanish Model Validation Notice

25 October 2021

A binder that says "Guidelines" on the spine sitting on a desk with a pen, calculator, and open binder [Image by creator DOC RABE Media from AdobeStock]

Countdown to Reg F - Still have Questions for the CFPB? There's a Portal for That.

18 October 2021

A binder that says "Guidelines" on the spine sitting on a desk with a pen, calculator, and open binder [Image by creator DOC RABE Media from AdobeStock]

CFPB Releases New Information Technology Section to Examination Manual

14 October 2021

Photo of hourglass with sand all in the bottom [Image by creator Zerophoto from AdobeStock]

Without Creditor Cooperation, Debt Collectors Cannot Safely Work Accounts After November 29th

11 October 2021

 [Image by creator Leigh Prather from AdobeStock]

CFPB publishes FAQs regarding Limited Content Messages and Call Frequencies

5 October 2021

 [Image by creator ar130405 from AdobeStock]

CFPB Report Finds Declines in Credit Card Debt, New Applications and Increases in Digital Engagement in 2020

4 October 2021

Microphone sitting on table [Image by creator olegkruglyak3 from AdobeStock]

Breaking – Rohit Chopra Confirmed as CFPB Director

30 September 2021

Microphone sitting on table [Image by creator olegkruglyak3 from AdobeStock]

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Announces New Advisory Committee Members

23 September 2021

 [Image by creator Argus from AdobeStock]

CFPB Sues Software Company; Alleges it Encourages Credit Repair Businesses to Charge Illegal Fees

21 September 2021

 [Image by creator iQoncept from AdobeStock]

ICYMI: CFPB Takes Action Against Fair Collections & Outsourcing for Misrepresentation and Failing to Investigate ID Theft.

31 August 2021

 [Image by creator blackzheep from AdobeStock]

Does Your Collection Agency Name Violate Regulation F? [Podcast]

19 August 2021

Image of a blackboard with a 3 item checklist that includes Plan, Prepare, Perform [Image by creator Yury Zap from AdobeStock]

CFPB Finalizes Regulation F Implementation Date: What Your Organization Needs To Consider in Order To Be “Reg F Ready”

3 August 2021

 [Image by creator James Steidl from AdobeStock]

CFPB Reports Credit Applications Have Recovered to Pre-Pandemic Levels; Releases Tool to Help Renters And Landlords

2 August 2021