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Photo of dice with letters forming the words "rules and regulations" [Image by creator anyaberkut from AdobeStock]

Why Creditors and Servicers Should Care About the CFPB’s Proposed Debt Collection Rules

14 May 2019

Arms of 5 business people holding up different colored large "quote" marks [Image by creator Sergey Nivens from AdobeStock]

Agency, Outside Counsel, and Vendor Perspectives on the CFPB’s Proposed Rules

13 May 2019

Photo of Consumer Relations Consortium members at CFPB town hall [Image by creator  from ]

CFPB Hosts Debt Collection Town Hall; CRC Director Stephanie Eidelman Highlights Consumer Authentication Conundrum

9 May 2019

Sharpie pen checking off check boxes on list [Image by creator pixelrobot from AdobeStock]

The NPRM’s New Validation Notice: Breakdown of the Validation Period, Check Boxes, and Itemization of Debt

8 May 2019

Microphone sitting on table [Image by creator olegkruglyak3 from AdobeStock]

CFPB Releases NPRM for Debt Collection; Includes Extensive Detail for Electronic Communication, 7 Call Attempt Limit, and New Requirements for Validation Notice

7 May 2019

Image of a blackboard with a 3 item checklist that includes Plan, Prepare, Perform [Image by creator Yury Zap from AdobeStock]

Five Things To Do Prior to the NPRM's Release

6 May 2019

Playing cards stacked on each other forming a pyramid [Image by creator zharate from AdobeStock]

A Deep Dive into the CFPB's Suit Against Lexington Law Targeting the Credit Repair Organization’s Marketing Practices

6 May 2019

Arms of 5 business people holding up different colored large "quote" marks [Image by creator Sergey Nivens from AdobeStock]

ProPublica Investigates CFPB, Seeks Input from Those Who Interact with the Agency

2 May 2019

Photo of dice with letters forming the words "rules and regulations" [Image by creator anyaberkut from AdobeStock]

Release of Debt Collection Rules Speculated to Coincide with CFPB’s Town Hall in Philadelphia Next Week

29 April 2019

 [Image by creator Cla78 from AdobeStock]

CFPB Announces Change to CID Policy, Promotes Transparency in Investigations

23 April 2019

Chairs around large table [Image by creator from AdobeStock]

CFPB Announces Symposia Series, Will Clarify "Abusive Acts and Practices" and Discuss Consumer Privacy

23 April 2019

 [Image by creator Krasimira Nevenova from AdobeStock]

CFPB Rules to Contain Call Caps, Allow Digital Communication Channels, Says Kraninger

18 April 2019

A blackboard with "Plan A" and "Plan B" written in chalk. Plan A is crossed out. [Image by creator Sharpshot from AdobeStock]

California Assemblywoman Explores Creation of State-Level CFPB in Press Conference with Cordray

15 April 2019

Friendly-looking employee wearing an apron opening the door to a restaurant [Image by creator Panumas from AdobeStock]

Consumers Should Work Directly with Credit Card Companies Rather Than Debt Settlement Companies, Says CFPB

9 April 2019

A person pressing a red "full disclosure" button on a keyboard with white keys [Image by creator momius from AdobeStock]

11th Circuit: Letter Offering to “Resolve” Out of Stat Account Contains Implicit Threat of Litigation, Requires Out of Stat Disclosure

8 April 2019

 [Image by creator LittleGallery from AdobeStock]

Complaint Data Trends and Limitations: Three Take-Aways From the CFPB's Annual Consumer Response Report

3 April 2019

Image from a dictionary showing the word leg-is-la-tion [Image by creator Art of Success from AdobeStock]

Consumers First Act, Aimed to Bring CFPB Back to Statutory Purpose, Passes in House Financial Services Committee

2 April 2019

 [Image by creator javier brosch from AdobeStock]

iA Video Series: Ironing Out the Irony of ED's NextGen Strategy

27 March 2019

Chairs around large table [Image by creator from AdobeStock]

CFPB Seeks Applications from Experts in Debt Collection for Consumer Advisory Board, Will the ARM Industry See Some Representation Again?

25 March 2019

 [Image by creator LittleGallery from AdobeStock]

CFPB FDCPA Report Shows Market Trends, Frowns Upon Creditors Responding Directly to Verification Requests

21 March 2019